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Prisoners draw corporate evil-doers who should be in jail but aren’t

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By Katie Herzog on 18 Feb 2016

Jeff Greenspan and Andrew Tider created Captured, a project that commissions illustrated portraits of CEOs who aren’t in prison but should be — drawn by actual prisoners.

“Corporations frequently commit crimes any average person would be imprisoned for,” write Greenspan and Tider. “These corporate crimes devastate our environment, economy, and society, yet the companies committing them often get away with only paying a settlement. These payouts do little damage to a corporation’s bottom line and are practically baked into their budgets.”

Subjects include the notorious Koch brothers and the current CEOs of GM, Duke Energy, and the former CEO of BP, Tony Hayward. When Hayward oversaw BP, the company was responsible for the deaths of 11 workers in the Deepwater Horizon disaster, as well as killing countless animals, causing economic damages in the billions, obstructing Congress, and securities fraud, according to Captured. Hayward was drawn by Benjamin Gonzalez, Sr., who is serving nine years for first and second degree robbery.

There’s also Ben van Beurden, current CEO of Shell, a company, according to the project’s website, guilty of causing over 1,000 oil spills in Nigeria since 2002, reckless endangerment, theft, and “human rights abuses including the torture and killing of environmentalists in Nigeria.” Beurden’s artist, Mitchell Hand, is serving 33 years for burglary and selling stolen goods.

Captured’s creators hope that the project will make people reconsider what companies they support, and what behavior they consider truly criminal: “By not supporting companies endangering our health and freedom, and by questioning a system that wields punishment so unevenly, we can stop being mute witnesses,” they write.


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