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Shell propped up racist apartheid regime in South Africa

Within 48 hours, subject to legal intervention by Shell, we will publish an article about how Royal Dutch Shell propped up and profited from the repressive apartheid regime in South Africa.

By John Donovan

Update Monday 26 November: Within 48 hours, subject to legal intervention by Shell, we will publish an article about how Royal Dutch Shell propped up and profited from the repressive apartheid regime in South Africa. It is another astonishing story of informers, spying, deception, and misinformation directed by Shell at parties who opposed its support for the racist regime, once led by B. J. Vorster. Shell’s disgraceful conduct led to The Church of England accusing the company of dishonesty and outright deception.

Shell’s tactics may appear familiar to more recent opponents of the oil giants malevolent activities, driven as always by sheer greed, as it was in supporting Hitler and the Nazi party.

A petty example of Shell’s acceptance of apartheid was shown by the company’s proud announcement that 25 luxury toilets had been installed in their service stations for “whites only”. Shell’s Public Relations Officer pointed out that “when we find that the non-whites have proved that they are capable of looking after and keeping their present toilets clean, the new luxury rest-rooms would be made available to them”.

We will make available with the article, 27 pages from Volume 3 of A History of Royal Dutch Shell, providing a defense by Shell’s paid Dutch historian, of its controversial conduct in Rhodesia and South Africa during the relevant period. Shell has previously threatened to take legal action against us in respect of publication by us of extracts from the same 3 volume work, relating  in that instance, to the multifaceted financial support Shell and its Nazi leader, Sir Henri Deterding, gave to Nazi Germany. The threatened legal action never materialized.

The photo, cartoons and third paragraph above come from the informative book by Martin Bailey “Shell and BP in South Africa” published in 1977 by the joint Anti-Apartheid Movement/Haslemere Group.

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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