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March 10th, 2008:

The Guardian: Biofuels pioneer vents fury at City as he quits· Share traders blamed for firm’s troubles

D1 founder angry at green groups failing to back him

Terry Macalister 
Tuesday March 11 2008

Karl Watkin, founder of the biofuels pioneer D1 Oils, yesterday announced his departure from the company with a verbal broadside against governments, campaign groups and even the London Stock Exchange.

All had played their part, he said, in unfairly damaging the financial value and progress of a firm that had been fêted by Bill Clinton and other world leaders for its success in turning the jatropha plant into a sustainable transport fuel. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Financial Times: Shell plans floating LNG plant

By Raphael Minder in Bangkok
Published: March 10 2008 22:08 | Last updated: March 10 2008 22:08

Royal Dutch Shell said on Monday it was planning to order a floating facility capable of liquefying natural gas.

The vessel would combine with technology for developing remote gas fields and reduce environmental concerns around the building of onshore gas plants. Shell said it would issue a tender within four months to Korean and Japanese shipyards and some engineering companies.

The floating facility would have an annual production capacity of 3.5m tonnes, the Anglo-Dutch group said. Other companies such as Petronas of Malaysia have studied switching to floating facilities to tap growing demand for liquefied natural gas, particularly in Asia. The region buys about 60 per cent of world LNG production. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Reuters: Shell seeks oil supply amid Alberta plant woes

Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:22pm GMT

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) – Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSa.L: Quote, Profile, Research) lined up alternative supplies of upgraded oil sands crude for its Alberta refinery on Monday as its own upgrading plant underwent unplanned maintenance, a spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Shell and Imperial Oil Ltd (IMO.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) kept rationing fuel supplies to their retail networks as both their Edmonton-area refineries suffered unspecified operational problems which came to light last week. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment. news


Februari 2008

NAM betrokken bij demonstratieproject CO2-opslag  28-01-2008: NAM betrokken bij demonstratieproject CO2-opslag
De uitstoot van broeikasgassen, en dan vooral kooldioxide (CO2), wordt door velen gezien als een van de oorzaken van klimaatverandering. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden om de hoeveelheid kooldioxide in de atmosfeer te verminderen. Ondergrondse opslag van CO2 is er daar één van. Shell Pernis, de NAM en OCAP werken aan een gezamenlijk demonstratieproject waarin de mogelijkheden worden onderzocht om CO2 van Shell Pernis ondergronds in (bijna) lege gasvelden van de NAM op te slaan. Er is inmiddels een startnotitie opgesteld die vanaf 28 januari ter inzage ligt voor het publiek. 

> Lees meer hierover op de website

Duurzaam Ameland officieel van start  28-01-2008: Duurzaam Ameland officieel van start
Het project Duurzaam Ameland, een gezamenlijk initiatief van de gemeente Ameland, de NAM, ENECO Energie en GasTerra, is officieel van start gegaan. Deze partijen werken samen aan de realisatie van diverse duurzame projecten op het waddeneiland Ameland. 

> Lees meer hierover in het nieuwsbericht op

Jeugdige schakers aan zet 
Het bedrijfsrestaurant van het NAM-kantoor in Assen was zaterdag 9 februari het toneel van het jaarlijkse schaakkampioenschap voor Asser basisscholen. Vanwege het derde lustrum opende sponsor NAM haar deuren. Het startschot werd om 9.30 uur gegeven door middel van een zet op het digitale schaakbord. Maar liefst 166 kinderen bogen zich vervolgens over het schaakbord. Het schaakkampioenschap leverde in twee leeftijdscategorieën kampioenen op. Kai Bruijn werd ongeslagen kampioen bij de negenjarigen. Een zeer verrassende kampioen bij de kinderen jonger dan acht jaar was de pas vijf jaar oude Floris Verkerk. 
Communicatie rond herontwikkeling olieveld Schoonebeek in volle gang
In december is de definitieve beslissing genomen om het olieveld in Schoonebeek weer opnieuw in gebruik te nemen. De NAM heeft nauw contact met de omwonenden om hun wensen en zorgen zoveel mogelijk mee te nemen in het detailontwerp. De verschillende werkzaamheden zullen gefaseerd plaatsvinden. 

Bewoners van Schoonebeek en omgeving hebben in januari een nieuwe uitgave van de informatiekrant Schoonebeek ontvangen. Eerdere uitgaves verschenen al in september 2006 en april 2007. De bewoners van de regio Twente hebben begin juli vorig jaar een speciale editie over de waterinjectielocaties Tubbergen-Mander en Rossum-Weerselo ontvangen. Hierin geven diverse wethouders, de NAM, bewoners, Stichting Natuur & Milieu Overijssel en de provincie hun visie op de mogelijke waterinjectie in deze regio. 

Als voorlichtingsmateriaal op scholen is een stripposter ontwikkeld die op simpele maar doeltreffende wijze laat zien wat de herontwikkeling van het Schoonebeek-veld inhoudt. Scholen en belangstellenden kunnen gratis een exemplaar opvragen via het aanvraagformulier.

Een digitale versie van de poster en de informatiekranten zijn te downloaden in de bibliotheek van het onderdeel Schoonebeek op
> Vraag een poster of krant aan via het contactformulier op

Nieuwe hbo-opleiding sensortechnologie in Assen
Op 6 februari ondertekende adjunct-directeur Rien Herber namens de NAM de officiële samenwerkingsovereenkomst waarmee het startschot voor het HIT (Hanze Institute of Technology) werd gegeven. Overige ondertekenaars waren: Astron, Sensor Universe, Sun Microsystems, TNO, de gemeente Assen, de provincie Drenthe en natuurlijk de Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

Begin september 2008 start de Hanzehogeschool deze nieuwe, internationaal georiënteerde bacheloropleiding sensortechnologie in Assen. Het is de bedoeling ingenieurs af te leveren die gespecialiseerd zijn op het gebied van sensortechnologie in elektrotechniek, werktuigbouwkunde en informatica. Zowel voor de NAM (exploratie van de ondergrond) als Astron (exploratie van de ruimte) spelen sensoren een grote rol.

De onderwerpen die in de opleiding aan de orde komen variëren van energie, milieu en zorg tot transportindustrie. De opleiding is in alle facetten internationaal, zodat mondiaal beschikbare expertise op dit nog jonge vakgebied toegankelijk wordt gemaakt. Het instituut richt zich op getalenteerde studenten die internationaal worden geworven. De inschrijving is inmiddels geopend.

> Lees meer hierover op de site van Hanze Institute of Technology.

Proefboring Achtkarspelen (Friesland)
De NAM boort een nieuwe gaswinningsput op de NAM-locatie Tietjerksteradeel 700 (gemeente Achtkarspelen) naar een vermoedelijk in de omgeving liggend gasveld . 

Als de boring succesvol verloopt, vindt er vervolgens een productietest plaats om te bekijken of het een winbare hoeveelheid gas betreft. Als ook hiervan het resultaat positief is, kan deze put naar verwachting in het najaar 2009 in productie genomen worden en zal het gas via een nog aan te leggen leiding worden afgevoerd. 

Gedurende ongeveer anderhalve maand staat er op de locatie een tijdelijke boortoren van ruim dertig meter hoog. Op de locatie en aan de boorinstallatie zijn diverse voorzorgsmaatregelen genomen om de gevolgen voor het milieu en omwonenden zoveel mogelijk te beperken. 

NAM’ers begeleiden leerlingen bij de Shell Eco-marathon 07-03-2008: NAM’ers begeleiden leerlingen bij de Shell Eco-marathon
Op donderdag 22 mei zal blijken hoe weinig brandstof een zelf gebouwde auto kan verbruiken op de Shell Eco-marathon. Technasiumleerlingen van ‘De Lindenborg’ in Leek zijn op dit moment druk bezig met de voorbereidingen en uitwerking van de auto. Ze worden daarbij ondersteund door docenten, vrijwilligers en NAM’ers. 

> Lees meer hierover in het nieuwsbericht op

Werkzaamheden NAM-locatie Gasselternijveen   10-03-2008: Werkzaamheden NAM-locatie Gasselternijveen
Vanaf mei 2009 is de NAM van plan gas te gaan winnen uit het gasveld Gasselternijveen (Drenthe). Het Milieueffectrapport (MER) is inmiddels goedgekeurd en de resterende vergunningen zijn aangevraagd. Vooruitlopend op de bouw, die in mei van start gaat, wordt alvast een aantal werkzaamheden uitgevoerd. 

> Lees meer hierover in het nieuwsbericht op

Nieuwe versie van NAM-brochures 
Onlangs is een groot aantal brochures van de NAM tekstueel ge-update en in een modern jasje gestoken. De brochures, die voor externe doelgroepen bedoeld zijn, leggen op een heldere manier uit wat de activiteiten van de NAM zijn. Met titels als bijvoorbeeld ‘Energie uit de diepte’, ‘Een boring in uw omgeving’ of ‘Ondergrondse gasopslag van aardgas’ krijgt de lezer in tekst en beeld uitleg van de verschillende onderwerpen.

> Download de brochures in de bibliotheek op of vraag ze aan via het contactformulier op

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This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment. Private Equity Expresses Interest In Shell’s Infineum -Source

March 10, 2008: 08:23 AM EST

LONDON -(Dow Jones)- At least one private equity firm has expressed interest in a lubricants joint-venture put on the market by Royal Dutch Shell PLC ( RDSB.LN) and ExxonMobil PLC (XOM), a person familiar with the matter said.

The news comes as the two owners -which each control 50% through units- said Monday they would be discussing the possible sale of the venture, Infineum, with several potential buyers.

Shell and ExxonMobil last year started to look at a sale of the venture as a possibility. But they said Monday that “no divestment decision has been made.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

ExxonMobil and Shell to evaluate market interest as part of strategic study regarding Infineum JV

10 Mar 2008 

ExxonMobil Chemical, a division of ExxonMobil Corporation and Shell Chemicals Limited, an affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell plc announced today that, as part of the study to review strategic options for the Infineum additives joint venture, they have agreed to evaluate market interest and will be discussing Infineum with several potential buyers. 

This study is part of an ongoing strategic assessment of the business and opportunities for growth, restructuring, or divestment depending upon fit with overall strategic business objectives. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment. Shell fully restores Bacton gas terminal operations

March 10, 2008: 09:03 AM EST

LONDON, Mar. 10, 2008 (Thomson Financial delivered by Newstex) — Royal Dutch Shell PLC (NYSE:RDS A) has fully restored the operations of the Bacton gas terminal in the UK, a company spokesman said.

The facility, which supplies 10 pct of Britain’s gas needs, was shut on Feb 28 when a fire broke out at the waste water system. Partial operations resumed early last week.

The Shell spokesman said the terminal is now running at ‘full operational level’, with daily flow rates of over 28 mln cubic metres. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment. ExxonMobil and Shell to evaluate market interest as part of strategic study regarding Infineum JV


The FINANCIAL — ExxonMobil Chemical, a division of ExxonMobil Corporation and Shell Chemicals Limited, an affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell plc announced on March 10 that, as part of the study to review strategic options for the Infineum additives joint venture, they have agreed to evaluate market interest and will be discussing Infineum with several potential buyers.

This study is part of an ongoing strategic assessment of the business and opportunities for growth, restructuring, or divestment depending upon fit with overall strategic business objectives.   read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Los Angeles Times: Fixing Iraq, and a refinery

Los Angeles Times Iraq image

Tony Perry / Los Angeles Times
ECONOMIC LIFEBLOOD: After falling into disrepair and being bombed, the K-3 refinery is getting attention and investment in the hope that it will contribute to Iraq’s future productivity.

Helping restore a 1930s oil facility will take local planning and teamwork.
By Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 10, 2008

HAQLANIYA, IRAQ — — The ragged oil refinery in a barren corner of Anbar province looks more like something out of a post-apocalyptic Mel Gibson movie than the centerpiece of an ambitious energy project. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Bloomberg: Big Oil’s Record Profit Inspires Democrats to Seek $1.8 Billion

By Daniel Whitten

March 10 (Bloomberg) — Record oil-company profits, gasoline prices over $3 a gallon and the threat of a U.S. recession are increasing Democrats’ prospects for taxing oil and gas producers to pay for wind, solar and conservation programs.

Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips reported earnings of almost $10 million an hour in the fourth quarter. The economy appears headed toward the first contraction in a presidential election year since 1980. Democrats will probably raise taxes on the oil companies by at least $1.8 billion a year by 2009, senators in both parties say. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Bloomberg: Chevron Plans Second Australia LNG Project to Gorgon (Update2)

By Angela Macdonald-Smith

March 10 (Bloomberg) — Chevron Corp., operator of the Gorgon liquefied natural gas venture in Western Australia, started studies on a separate project in the same region, potentially blocking rival plans by Woodside Petroleum Ltd.

The Wheatstone project will tap fuel from a 100 percent- owned field to produce 5 million metric tons a year of LNG at a site on mainland northwest Australia, the San Ramon, California- based company said today in a statement. The plan doesn’t lessen the commitment to the delayed Gorgon project, it said. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

UpstreamOnline: Costs weigh on booming gas market (*latest news of another unscrupulous Shell exec: Jon Chadwick)

By Amanda Battersby

The world’s gas industry is booming, with demand for the fuel increasing in many markets, but the opportunities this growth offers for new projects and expansions is matched by technical challenges and escalating costs, delegates at the keynote session of the Gastech 2008 conference were told.

Costs for liquefied natural gas projects have increased by up to three times since the start of the decade, said Brunei Darussalam Minister for Energy Paduka Bakar.

His sentiments were echoed by Shell Gas & Power executive vice president Asia Pacific Jon Chadwick who noted that costs are “rising relentlessly”. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

UpstreamOnline: Shell floats LNG production unit (*let’s hope this is not another rigged Shell tender)

UpstreamOnline image 

By Mark Hillier

Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell has unveiled plans to develop a generic floating liquefied natural gas production unit that will have capacity of 3.5 million tonnes per annum.

Jon Chadwick, executive vice president Asia for Shell Gas & Power, told the Gastech conference that the supermajor had devoted “substantive engineering hours to FLNG” and had come up with a design for a vessel that would be as much as 450 metres long and 75 metres wide.

The vessel will also have extra hydrocarbon liquids capacity. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Crude Awakening: Analysts Adjust: ‘prices could rocket as high as $200 a barrel’

Wall Street Journal Graphic

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Crude Awakening: Analysts Adjust

Predictions Revised
As Prices Stay High;
A Call for $200 Oil
March 10, 2008; Page C2

A two-week string of record oil prices has left prognosticators at banks and brokerage firms struggling to keep pace.

With crude futures trading firmly above $100 a barrel, oil economists are revising their forecasts — up.

Oil has traded at an average price of $95.12 a barrel this year on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up 65.5% from the start of last year. That has left many analysts’ forecasts in the dust. Lehman Brothers, for example, recently boosted its first-quarter forecast for benchmark Nymex crude to $93 a barrel, up $7 from its earlier outlook. The bank sees oil averaging $86 this year, but acknowledges the pitfalls it’s facing. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

FT REPORT – GAS INDUSTRY 2008 – FRONT PAGE: Cleaner fuel is now a global commodity

By Ed Crooks, Financial Times
Published: Mar 10, 2008

You could tell that something had changed in the world’s natural gas markets when British consumers were told their bills were rising because of an earthquake in Japan.

In a recent round of price rises by most of the main domestic energy suppliers in the UK, one of the factors cited was that expected imports of liquefied natural gas had been diverted to Japan instead.

The earthquake in July that forced a shutdown in a nuclear power plant meant that gas-fired power stations were running for longer, pushing up the price of gas in Japan. If suppliers could obtain about 80p a therm in the Japanese market, why would they settle for 55p or so in the UK? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

FT REPORT – GAS INDUSTRY 2008: Flexibility to go where the price rises the highest

By Ed Crooks, Financial Times
Published: Mar 10, 2008

The liquefied natural gas industry today resembles the oil industry in the 1950s, according to some observers.

It is dominated by a few large international companies that can afford the massive investments that are required, and the business model is based on contracted deliveries along fixed routes from the wells to the market.

Today, oil is a highly liquid global market. The question is whether LNG will go the same way over the coming decades.

There is no doubt that the LNG market is developing very rapidly. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Financial Times: Evangelist who is in the right place

By Ed Crooks
Published: March 10 2008 02:00 | Last updated: March 10 2008 02:00

Linda Cook, Royal Dutch Shell’s executive director for gas and power, does a great sales pitch for the merits of natural gas.

“It is available today; it’s relatively cost-competitive, and it is the most environmentally-friendly of all of the hydrocarbon energy sources,” she says.

“We see demand for natural gas continuing to be robust and growing at a higher rate than that for oil in the coming years.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.