D1 founder angry at green groups failing to back him
Terry Macalister
Tuesday March 11 2008
Karl Watkin, founder of the biofuels pioneer D1 Oils, yesterday announced his departure from the company with a verbal broadside against governments, campaign groups and even the London Stock Exchange.
All had played their part, he said, in unfairly damaging the financial value and progress of a firm that had been fêted by Bill Clinton and other world leaders for its success in turning the jatropha plant into a sustainable transport fuel.read more
By Raphael Minder in Bangkok
Published: March 10 2008 22:08 | Last updated: March 10 2008 22:08
Royal Dutch Shell said on Monday it was planning to order a floating facility capable of liquefying natural gas.
The vessel would combine with technology for developing remote gas fields and reduce environmental concerns around the building of onshore gas plants. Shell said it would issue a tender within four months to Korean and Japanese shipyards and some engineering companies.
The floating facility would have an annual production capacity of 3.5m tonnes, the Anglo-Dutch group said. Other companies such as Petronas of Malaysia have studied switching to floating facilities to tap growing demand for liquefied natural gas, particularly in Asia. The region buys about 60 per cent of world LNG production.read more
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) – Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSa.L: Quote, Profile, Research) lined up alternative supplies of upgraded oil sands crude for its Alberta refinery on Monday as its own upgrading plant underwent unplanned maintenance, a spokesman said.
Meanwhile, Shell and Imperial Oil Ltd (IMO.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) kept rationing fuel supplies to their retail networks as both their Edmonton-area refineries suffered unspecified operational problems which came to light last week.read more
De uitstoot van broeikasgassen, en dan vooral kooldioxide (CO2), wordt door velen gezien als een van de oorzaken van klimaatverandering. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden om de hoeveelheid kooldioxide in de atmosfeer te verminderen. Ondergrondse opslag van CO2 is er daar één van. Shell Pernis, de NAM en OCAP werken aan een gezamenlijk demonstratieproject waarin de mogelijkheden worden onderzocht om CO2 van Shell Pernis ondergronds in (bijna) lege gasvelden van de NAM op te slaan. Er is inmiddels een startnotitie opgesteld die vanaf 28 januari ter inzage ligt voor het publiek.
Het project Duurzaam Ameland, een gezamenlijk initiatief van de gemeente Ameland, de NAM, ENECO Energie en GasTerra, is officieel van start gegaan. Deze partijen werken samen aan de realisatie van diverse duurzame projecten op het waddeneiland Ameland.
Het bedrijfsrestaurant van het NAM-kantoor in Assen was zaterdag 9 februari het toneel van het jaarlijkse schaakkampioenschap voor Asser basisscholen. Vanwege het derde lustrum opende sponsor NAM haar deuren. Het startschot werd om 9.30 uur gegeven door middel van een zet op het digitale schaakbord. Maar liefst 166 kinderen bogen zich vervolgens over het schaakbord. Het schaakkampioenschap leverde in twee leeftijdscategorieën kampioenen op. Kai Bruijn werd ongeslagen kampioen bij de negenjarigen. Een zeer verrassende kampioen bij de kinderen jonger dan acht jaar was de pas vijf jaar oude Floris Verkerk.
Communicatie rond herontwikkeling olieveld Schoonebeek in volle gang
In december is de definitieve beslissing genomen om het olieveld in Schoonebeek weer opnieuw in gebruik te nemen. De NAM heeft nauw contact met de omwonenden om hun wensen en zorgen zoveel mogelijk mee te nemen in het detailontwerp. De verschillende werkzaamheden zullen gefaseerd plaatsvinden.
Bewoners van Schoonebeek en omgeving hebben in januari een nieuwe uitgave van de informatiekrant Schoonebeek ontvangen. Eerdere uitgaves verschenen al in september 2006 en april 2007. De bewoners van de regio Twente hebben begin juli vorig jaar een speciale editie over de waterinjectielocaties Tubbergen-Mander en Rossum-Weerselo ontvangen. Hierin geven diverse wethouders, de NAM, bewoners, Stichting Natuur & Milieu Overijssel en de provincie hun visie op de mogelijke waterinjectie in deze regio.
Als voorlichtingsmateriaal op scholen is een stripposter ontwikkeld die op simpele maar doeltreffende wijze laat zien wat de herontwikkeling van het Schoonebeek-veld inhoudt. Scholen en belangstellenden kunnen gratis een exemplaar opvragen via het aanvraagformulier.
Op 6 februari ondertekende adjunct-directeur Rien Herber namens de NAM de officiële samenwerkingsovereenkomst waarmee het startschot voor het HIT (Hanze Institute of Technology) werd gegeven. Overige ondertekenaars waren: Astron, Sensor Universe, Sun Microsystems, TNO, de gemeente Assen, de provincie Drenthe en natuurlijk de Hanzehogeschool Groningen.
Begin september 2008 start de Hanzehogeschool deze nieuwe, internationaal georiënteerde bacheloropleiding sensortechnologie in Assen. Het is de bedoeling ingenieurs af te leveren die gespecialiseerd zijn op het gebied van sensortechnologie in elektrotechniek, werktuigbouwkunde en informatica. Zowel voor de NAM (exploratie van de ondergrond) als Astron (exploratie van de ruimte) spelen sensoren een grote rol.
De onderwerpen die in de opleiding aan de orde komen variëren van energie, milieu en zorg tot transportindustrie. De opleiding is in alle facetten internationaal, zodat mondiaal beschikbare expertise op dit nog jonge vakgebied toegankelijk wordt gemaakt. Het instituut richt zich op getalenteerde studenten die internationaal worden geworven. De inschrijving is inmiddels geopend.
De NAM boort een nieuwe gaswinningsput op de NAM-locatie Tietjerksteradeel 700 (gemeente Achtkarspelen) naar een vermoedelijk in de omgeving liggend gasveld .
Als de boring succesvol verloopt, vindt er vervolgens een productietest plaats om te bekijken of het een winbare hoeveelheid gas betreft. Als ook hiervan het resultaat positief is, kan deze put naar verwachting in het najaar 2009 in productie genomen worden en zal het gas via een nog aan te leggen leiding worden afgevoerd.
Gedurende ongeveer anderhalve maand staat er op de locatie een tijdelijke boortoren van ruim dertig meter hoog. Op de locatie en aan de boorinstallatie zijn diverse voorzorgsmaatregelen genomen om de gevolgen voor het milieu en omwonenden zoveel mogelijk te beperken.
NAM’ers begeleiden leerlingen bij de Shell Eco-marathon
Op donderdag 22 mei zal blijken hoe weinig brandstof een zelf gebouwde auto kan verbruiken op de Shell Eco-marathon. Technasiumleerlingen van ‘De Lindenborg’ in Leek zijn op dit moment druk bezig met de voorbereidingen en uitwerking van de auto. Ze worden daarbij ondersteund door docenten, vrijwilligers en NAM’ers.
Vanaf mei 2009 is de NAM van plan gas te gaan winnen uit het gasveld Gasselternijveen (Drenthe). Het Milieueffectrapport (MER) is inmiddels goedgekeurd en de resterende vergunningen zijn aangevraagd. Vooruitlopend op de bouw, die in mei van start gaat, wordt alvast een aantal werkzaamheden uitgevoerd.
Onlangs is een groot aantal brochures van de NAM tekstueel ge-update en in een modern jasje gestoken. De brochures, die voor externe doelgroepen bedoeld zijn, leggen op een heldere manier uit wat de activiteiten van de NAM zijn. Met titels als bijvoorbeeld ‘Energie uit de diepte’, ‘Een boring in uw omgeving’ of ‘Ondergrondse gasopslag van aardgas’ krijgt de lezer in tekst en beeld uitleg van de verschillende onderwerpen.
U ontvangt deze nieuwsbrief omdat u zich hiervoor heeft opgegeven op http://www.nam.nl/. Indien u deze nieuwsbrief niet meer wilt ontvangen kunt u een een e-mail zenden naar de webmaster.
LONDON -(Dow Jones)- At least one private equity firm has expressed interest in a lubricants joint-venture put on the market by Royal Dutch Shell PLC ( RDSB.LN) and ExxonMobil PLC (XOM), a person familiar with the matter said.
The news comes as the two owners -which each control 50% through units- said Monday they would be discussing the possible sale of the venture, Infineum, with several potential buyers.
Shell and ExxonMobil last year started to look at a sale of the venture as a possibility. But they said Monday that “no divestment decision has been made.”read more
ExxonMobil Chemical, a division of ExxonMobil Corporation and Shell Chemicals Limited, an affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell plc announced today that, as part of the study to review strategic options for the Infineum additives joint venture, they have agreed to evaluate market interest and will be discussing Infineum with several potential buyers.
This study is part of an ongoing strategic assessment of the business and opportunities for growth, restructuring, or divestment depending upon fit with overall strategic business objectives.read more
LONDON, Mar. 10, 2008 (Thomson Financial delivered by Newstex) — Royal Dutch Shell PLC (NYSE:RDS A) has fully restored the operations of the Bacton gas terminal in the UK, a company spokesman said.
The facility, which supplies 10 pct of Britain’s gas needs, was shut on Feb 28 when a fire broke out at the waste water system. Partial operations resumed early last week.
The Shell spokesman said the terminal is now running at ‘full operational level’, with daily flow rates of over 28 mln cubic metres.read more
The FINANCIAL — ExxonMobil Chemical, a division of ExxonMobil Corporation and Shell Chemicals Limited, an affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell plc announced on March 10 that, as part of the study to review strategic options for the Infineum additives joint venture, they have agreed to evaluate market interest and will be discussing Infineum with several potential buyers.
This study is part of an ongoing strategic assessment of the business and opportunities for growth, restructuring, or divestment depending upon fit with overall strategic business objectives. read more
Tony Perry / Los Angeles Times
ECONOMIC LIFEBLOOD: After falling into disrepair and being bombed, the K-3 refinery is getting attention and investment in the hope that it will contribute to Iraq’s future productivity.
Helping restore a 1930s oil facility will take local planning and teamwork.
By Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 10, 2008
HAQLANIYA, IRAQ — — The ragged oil refinery in a barren corner of Anbar province looks more like something out of a post-apocalyptic Mel Gibson movie than the centerpiece of an ambitious energy project.read more
March 10 (Bloomberg) — Record oil-company profits, gasoline prices over $3 a gallon and the threat of a U.S. recession are increasing Democrats’ prospects for taxing oil and gas producers to pay for wind, solar and conservation programs.
Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips reported earnings of almost $10 million an hour in the fourth quarter. The economy appears headed toward the first contraction in a presidential election year since 1980. Democrats will probably raise taxes on the oil companies by at least $1.8 billion a year by 2009, senators in both parties say.read more
March 10 (Bloomberg) — Chevron Corp., operator of the Gorgon liquefied natural gas venture in Western Australia, started studies on a separate project in the same region, potentially blocking rival plans by Woodside Petroleum Ltd.
The Wheatstone project will tap fuel from a 100 percent- owned field to produce 5 million metric tons a year of LNG at a site on mainland northwest Australia, the San Ramon, California- based company said today in a statement. The plan doesn’t lessen the commitment to the delayed Gorgon project, it said.read more
The world’s gas industry is booming, with demand for the fuel increasing in many markets, but the opportunities this growth offers for new projects and expansions is matched by technical challenges and escalating costs, delegates at the keynote session of the Gastech 2008 conference were told.
Costs for liquefied natural gas projects have increased by up to three times since the start of the decade, said Brunei Darussalam Minister for Energy Paduka Bakar.
His sentiments were echoed by Shell Gas & Power executive vice president Asia Pacific Jon Chadwick who noted that costs are “rising relentlessly”.read more
Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell has unveiled plans to develop a generic floating liquefied natural gas production unit that will have capacity of 3.5 million tonnes per annum.
Jon Chadwick, executive vice president Asia for Shell Gas & Power, told the Gastech conference that the supermajor had devoted “substantive engineering hours to FLNG” and had come up with a design for a vessel that would be as much as 450 metres long and 75 metres wide.
The vessel will also have extra hydrocarbon liquids capacity.read more
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Crude Awakening: Analysts Adjust
Predictions Revised
As Prices Stay High;
A Call for $200 Oil
March 10, 2008; Page C2
A two-week string of record oil prices has left prognosticators at banks and brokerage firms struggling to keep pace.
With crude futures trading firmly above $100 a barrel, oil economists are revising their forecasts — up.
Oil has traded at an average price of $95.12 a barrel this year on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up 65.5% from the start of last year. That has left many analysts’ forecasts in the dust. Lehman Brothers, for example, recently boosted its first-quarter forecast for benchmark Nymex crude to $93 a barrel, up $7 from its earlier outlook. The bank sees oil averaging $86 this year, but acknowledges the pitfalls it’s facing.read more
By Ed Crooks, Financial Times
Published: Mar 10, 2008
You could tell that something had changed in the world’s natural gas markets when British consumers were told their bills were rising because of an earthquake in Japan.
In a recent round of price rises by most of the main domestic energy suppliers in the UK, one of the factors cited was that expected imports of liquefied natural gas had been diverted to Japan instead.
The earthquake in July that forced a shutdown in a nuclear power plant meant that gas-fired power stations were running for longer, pushing up the price of gas in Japan. If suppliers could obtain about 80p a therm in the Japanese market, why would they settle for 55p or so in the UK?read more
By Ed Crooks, Financial Times
Published: Mar 10, 2008
The liquefied natural gas industry today resembles the oil industry in the 1950s, according to some observers.
It is dominated by a few large international companies that can afford the massive investments that are required, and the business model is based on contracted deliveries along fixed routes from the wells to the market.
Today, oil is a highly liquid global market. The question is whether LNG will go the same way over the coming decades.
There is no doubt that the LNG market is developing very rapidly.read more
By Ed Crooks
Published: March 10 2008 02:00 | Last updated: March 10 2008 02:00
Linda Cook, Royal Dutch Shell’s executive director for gas and power, does a great sales pitch for the merits of natural gas.
“It is available today; it’s relatively cost-competitive, and it is the most environmentally-friendly of all of the hydrocarbon energy sources,” she says.
“We see demand for natural gas continuing to be robust and growing at a higher rate than that for oil in the coming years.”read more
This is not a Shell website. That fact should be abundantly plain from the overall content of this home page and our sister Shell-focussed websites, including shellnazihistory.com. Click on the Disclaimer link at top of this page for more information. You Can Be Sure Shell does not endorse or approve of this website. There are no subscription charges nor do we solicit or accept donations. It is an entirely free to use website drawing attention to the negative side of Shell while also publishing positive news about the company. The Shell logo image with the white text used on this website, as per the above example, is in the public domain because its copyright has expired and its author is anonymous. It can be found on WIKIMEDIA COMMONS. Our shellenergy.websitepublishes Shell Energy customer complaints posted on Trustpilot where there is an ample supply. Use this link for Shell’s own website.
Whatever fig leaves they might be trying to use to hide the truth, Shell and Eni paid over $1bn to a company called Malabu for the OPL 245 licence. Even though the payment was channelled through the Nigerian government, it was clear that Shell knew that the ultimate beneficiary was Dan Etete, the former minister of petroleum. Etete is the owner of Malabu, to whom he awarded the licence when he was Nigerian Minister of Petroleum.
Royal Dutch Shell conspired directly with Hitler, financed the Nazi Party, was anti-Semitic and sold out its own Dutch Jewish employees to the Nazis. Shell had a close relationship with the Nazis during and after the reign of Sir Henri Deterding, an ardent Nazi, and the founder and decades long leader of the Royal Dutch Shell Group. His burial ceremony, which had all the trappings of a state funeral, was held at his private estate in Mecklenburg, Germany. The spectacle (photographs below) included a funeral procession led by a horse drawn funeral hearse with senior Nazis officials and senior Royal Dutch Shell directors in attendance, Nazi salutes at the graveside, swastika banners on display and wreaths and personal tributes from Adolf Hitler and Reichsmarschall, Hermann Goring. Deterding was an honored associate and supporter of Hitler and a personal friend of Goring.
Deterding was the guest of Hitler during a four day summit meeting at Berchtesgaden. Sir Henri and Hitler both had ambitions on Russian oil fields. Only an honored personal guest would be rewarded with a private four day meeting at Hitler’s mountain top retreat.
Shell appeased and collaborated with the Nazis. The oil giant instructed its employees in the Netherlands to complete a form giving particulars about their descent, which for some, amounted to a self-declared death warrant. Shell used slave labor and was a close business partner in Germany of I.G. Farben, the notorious Nazi run chemical giant that also used slave labor and supplied the Zyklon-B gas used during the Holocaust to exterminate millions of people, including children. Shell continued the partnership with the Nazis in the years after the retirement of Sir Henri and even after his death. It was money generated on Shell forecourts around the world, profiteering from cartel oil prices, that funded the Nazi party and saved it from financial collapse. Evidence about Shell's Nazi connections can be found in extracts from "A History of Royal Dutch Shell" Volumes 1 and 2 authored by historians paid by Shell, who had unrestricted access to Shell archives. There are 67 pages in total, so takes some time to download.
Photograph (full size here) shows a Swastika flag flying at the head office of Royal Dutch Petroleum, 30 Carel van Bylandtlaan, The Hague, during the Nazi occupation of the in World War II (From Image Database Hague Municipal)
Sir Henri Deterding, the founder of the Royal Dutch Shell Group - known as "The Most Powerful Man in the World" - who became an ardent Nazi and financial supporter of Hitler and the Nazi party.
Reading between the lines in various legal documents, it seems that the allegations are that after the technology in question had been disclosed to a Shell company in the USA, the information was passed to Shell in the Netherlands in breach of confidentiality. And Royal Dutch Shell subsequently exploited the technology without payment or credit to the company holding the rights; Newton Research Partners. The inference seems to be that Twister B.V. was founded by Shell partly on trade secrets stolen from Bloom/Newton.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a Shell website nor is it officially endorsed by or affiliated with Royal Dutch Shell Plc. Originally co-founded by the late Alfred Donovan and his son John, it is now operated by John, Shell's "No.1 Enemy", aided by an expert team, with invaluable support from retired Shell senior executives and officials as guest contributors and leaked information from Shell insiders.
(JOHN DONOVAN, WEBSITE OWNER) For nearly a decade, we have operated globally under the Royal Dutch Shell Plc top level domain name, dealing on Shell’s reluctant behalf with job applications, business proposals, Shell pension enquiries, shareholder enquiries, complaints, invitations to speak at conferences, an approach from the Dutch Defence Ministry and even terrorist threats. All meant for Shell. Prospect magazine has aptly described this website as being:"An open wound for Shell": WIPO proceedings by Shell to seize the domain name failed. NO SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES: All of our watchdog activities monitoring Royal Dutch Shell, including operating this website, are carried out on a non-profit basis. Any advertising revenues generated are used to recover and/or defray operational costs. We are a news aggregator and original content website. All information is available free for educational and research purposes. SHELL TACIT ENDORSEMENT: WHAT A WELL INFORMED SHELL OFFICIAL SAID ABOUT US:
"John and Alfred Donovan well known in UK/Hague. They perceive Shell played them and so have made it their mission to embarrass,belittle and criticize Shell, which they do quite well. Their website, royaldutchshellplc.com is an excellent source of group news and comment and I recommend it far above what our own group internal comms puts out."
WARNING TO SHELL EMPLOYEES: Shell Global Affairs Security "CAS") is spying on Shell employees globally trying to trace who is visiting, posting, or leaking information to this website from Shell premises. Threats, including death threats, have allegedly been made against conscience driven Shell whistleblowers supplying us with information. The worlds biggest leak of employee details as part of a claimed corporate revolution by 116 Shell employees, suggest the espionage operation, threats and draconian litigation have not been entirely successful in cutting off the supply of information to this website. The insider leaks had already cost Shell billions on the Sakhalin Energy project and the loss of SEIC Deputy Chairman, David Greer. We publish our own carefully researched articles about Shell e.g. "How Royal Dutch Shell saved Hitler and the Nazi Party". MEDIA COVERAGE: Prospect Magazine, The Sunday Times, and The Guardian, have all published major articles about us: "Rise of the Gripe Site";"Two men and a website mount vendetta against Shell' and "92-year-old's website leaves oil giant Shell-shocked”. SHELL PETROL STATION images displayed in the website header panel are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Information on copyright issues here.
John Donovan can be contacted at [email protected]
EXTRACT FROM ASIAN JOURNAL ARTICLE IN LIST OF LINKS BELOW: "Fireworks will light up the sky for three nights. The local unit of oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has donated 500,000 Brunei dollars (US$292,400; euro 243,700) for the display, and for cultural events to be hosted by popular performers from Malaysia."
Subject: This could be the most important whistleblower email you have ever received.
Some unfortunate Royal Dutch Shell workers have already lost their lives. More lives are at stake.
My name is Bill Campbell. I am a former Group Auditor of Shell International. I am writing to you on a matter of conscience in an effort to avert the inevitability of another major accident in the North Sea. The consequences could potentially impact on families in many constituencies, including your own.
As Royal Dutch Shell and the Health & Safety Executive would acknowledge, I am an expert on safety matters relating to offshore oil and gas platforms. In 1999, I was appointed by Shell to lead a safety audit on the Brent Bravo platform. The audit revealed a platform management culture that basically gave a higher priority to production than the safety of Shell employees. To our astonishment we discovered that a "Touch F*** All" policy was in place. Worse still, safety records were routinely falsified and repairs bodged.
I personally brought the shocking situation to the attention of senior management including Malcolm Brinded, the then Managing Director of Shell Exploration & Production. I revealed that ESDV leak-off tests were purposely falsified, not once but many times and that Brent Bravo platform management had admitted responsibility for the dangerous practices being followed. In response to my team ringing alarm bells, management pledged to rectify the serious problems which had been uncovered.
When I later complained that the pledges were not being kept, I was removed from my oversight function.
Four years later, a massive gas leak occurred on the platform. Two workers lost their lives. I have no doubt at all that the inaction of the relevant Asset Manager, the General Manager, the Oil Director and Malcolm Brinded, contributed in some part to the unlawful killing of two persons on Brent Bravo in September 2003.
Shell subsequently pleaded guilty to breaches of the HSE regulations and a record-breaking £900,000 fine was imposed. I thought this would bring about a real change in policy to put the emphasis on safety.
Unfortunately I was wrong. Although I supplied the evidence related to 1999, and the fact that there had been a collapse in controls of integrity from 1999 to 2003 on all 16 of Shell's North Sea offshore installations covered in a post fatality integrity review to the HSE for review by the Procurator Fiscal, none of this evidence was presented before the Sheriff at the subsequent Inquiry. The situation is explained in a letter to the Procurator Fiscal and the Sheriff (on 24th February 2007).
Shell management has engaged in spin to try to pretend that it is getting to grips with its safety problem. However, its atrocious safety record - the worst in the North Sea in terms of accidental deaths and absolute number of enforcement actions – tells a different story. This fact has resulted in a number of newspaper articles.
I have had meetings with senior Shell people including its CEO Mr. Jeroen van der Veer. I regret to say that I have found him to be economical with the truth. He prefers to support cover-up and deceit rather than confronting the underlying problems. Brinded is now Executive Director of Shell Exploration & Production. He believes in burying evidence.
My family and friends would probably prefer me to give up on this matter and enjoy my retirement after so many years working for Shell.
However, by writing to every MP in the UK, no one can ever say that I did not do my best to avert an inevitable further major accident event in the North Sea. When it happens (I pray that I am wrong) I will make this warning communication available to the media together with the vast amount of evidence in my possession.
At least my conscience is clear. I have done everything possible to ring the alarm bells about Shell management and its unscrupulous attitude to the safety of its employees.
Yours sincerely
Bill Campbell
(Malcolm Brinded and Jeroen van der Veer are no longer with Shell. The Oil Director referred to in the email is Chris Finlayson, who left Shell to become Chief Executive of British Gas before being fired - his photo immediately below)
Shell’s reputation was destroyed in 2004 after FIVE consecutive cuts to its hydrocarbon reserves covering 55% of its total reserves. US and UK financial regulators imposed $150 million in fines on Shell for securities fraud. Shell was also rocked by class action lawsuits. Sir Philip Watts
and Walter van de Vijver (whose headcut images appear courtesy of The Wall Street Journal) were among the Shell executives forced to resign. More details at the foot of this column.
MORE DETAILS: The Shell reserves scandal brought about
the end of the Royal Dutch Shell Group in its original form as an Anglo-Dutch partnership.
Shell Transport & Trading Co and Royal Dutch Petroleum were unified into a single Dutch owned company - Royal Dutch Shell Plc.
Sir Philip turned to religion and is now a very wealthy priest after receiving a payoff/pension package from Shell reportedly worth $18.5 million. Walter van de Vijver in contrast was the victim of a sadistic sacking by his Shell senior management backstabbing colleagues.
Displayed below are some of the spectacular promotional campaigns my company Don Marketing created for Shell in the 1980s and 1990s. This was before the series of SIX high court actions we brought against Shell for stealing ideas (4) and for defamation (2) - all settled by Shell. This website is a permanent response by me to the malicious underhand tactics, including treachery, espionage and intimidation, used by Shell during and after the bouts of litigation. More information is printed at the foot of this column.
MORE DETAILS: After a solicitor acting for Shell threatened to make the litigation "drawn out and difficult" with the intention of draining the resources of a financially weaker opponent, my late father (Alfred Donovan) and I decided to mount a wide-ranging campaign as a counter-measure. We jointly founded the Shell Corporate Conscience Pressure Group, which nearly 15% of Shell UK retailers joined. We regularly conducted ethical surveys involving up to 1500 Shell petrol stations. All responses were opened and authenticated by an independent solicitor who supplied Affidavits confirming the results. In whole page announcements in trade magazines (examples above) we challenged Shell to commission and publish the resuits of independent research asking the same questions and offering respondents GUARANTEED anonymity. Shell never took up the invitation. Instead it asked the UK Advertising Standards Authority to investigate our Shell surveys. No problems were found. The head-cut image of Alfred Donovan appears courtesy of The Wall Street Journal.
selection of memorable warnings/articles/images associated with the controversial track record of Royal Dutch Shell.
WARNING: DO NOT DISCLOSE YOUR IDEAS TO SHELL GameChanger OR SHELL Ideas360 WITHOUT TAKING EVERY POSSIBLE PRECAUTION. Shell management has ample funds to pay for intellectual property but prefers to steal it from small businesses and in our experience, gives its full backing to dishonest managers willing to do its bidding. We have sued Shell repeatedly in the High Court for the theft of our Intellectual Property. It is doubtful if anyone can match our dire experience in dealing with this ruthless unscrupulous serial poacher of other parties ideas. Expect threats, legal machinations and sinister action from Shell and its spooks if you object to having your ideas stolen.
Some years ago extensive documentary evidence was brought to the attention of Malcolm Brinded above, when he was Chairman of Shell UK, proving beyond any doubt that Shell executives had conspired to rig a tender for a major contract. A number of innocent firms were deliberately lured into signing confidentiality agreements and disclosing Intellectual Property to Shell under false pretences, in a carefully contrived plot. The firm which was awarded the contract never took part in the tender. One objective of the Machiavellian plan was to stop/delay IP trade secrets owned by the participants in the tender from being disclosed to Shell's rivals. This was achieved by outright deception, without paying a cent to the firms involved, who wrongly believed they were participating in an honest tender. Instead of sacking the ring leader, AJL - who had a personal relationship with the firm which miraculously won the race in which it never ran - Shell senior directors, including Brinded, gave AJL their full backing. Some of the Shell executives involved, including for example, Tim Hannagan, still hold high positions inside Shell - in his case, Global Brand and Visual Identity Manager. If Shell does not accept that this is a true, provable account of what happened, then it should sue for libel. How on earth is such predatory conduct compatible with Shell's claimed business principles?
See our link list of over 500 articles by the FT, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg, Forbes, Dow Jones Newswires, New York Times, CNBC etc, plus UK House of Commons Select Committee Hansard records, information on U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission websiteetc. all containing references to our Shell focussed websites, or our website founders Alfred and John Donovan. Includes TV documentary features in English and German, newspaper and magazine articles, radio interviews, newsletters etc. Plus academic papers, Stratfor intelligence reports and UK, U.S. and Australian state/parliamentary publications, also citing our Shell websites. Click on this link to see the entire list, all in date order with a link to an index of over 100 books also containing references to our websites and/or our activities.
John Donovan, the website owner
A head-cut image of Alfred Donovan (now deceased) appears courtesy of The Wall Street Journal.
The links below are to a series of articles, many triggered by a well-placed whistleblower directly involved in the pioneering Royal Dutch Shell Prelude project. Includes articles by Mr Bill Campbell above, the retired distinguished HSE Group Auditor of Shell International and another retired Shell guru with a track record of spotting potential pitfalls in major Shell projects.
The campaign waged on this website by John Donovan to persuade Edward Heerema to rename the worlds biggest ship, The Pieter Schelte - which he named after his late father, Pieter Schelte Heerema, a former Officer in the German Waffen-SS - has been successful. On Friday 6 February 2015, Allseas announced that it was changing the ships name, and on 9 February announced the new name - Pioneering Spirit.
MORE INFORMATION: Contact details for over 176,000 employees and contractors of Royal Dutch Shell reached John Donovan and some environmental and human rights groups, ostensibly from disaffected Shell staff calling for a “peaceful corporate revolution” at the company. The database, from Shell’s internal directory, contained names and telephone numbers for all the company’s work force worldwide, including some home numbers. It was supplied with a 170 page covering note, explaining that it was being circulated by “116 concerned employees of Shell dispersed throughout the USA, the UK, and the Netherlands”, to highlight the harm done by the company’s operations in Nigeria. John Donovan brought the leak to the attention of Shell. Tests proved that the data was authentic and he destroyed the database after being informed by Mr. Richard Wiseman, the then Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, that the confidential information if publicly disclosed, could put Shell employees and contractors in real danger.