Dear John,
It has taken some time to send you my promised request for information, but I’m now fulfilling my commitment.
I’m an Argentinian independent journalist. Usually, I write on international Politics, and in this job I regularly check your site. In recent times, however, I note the absence of references to the enormous political engagement of Shell in the new Argentinian government.
Usually, I write on international Politics, and in this job I regularly check your site. In recent times, however, I note the absence of references to the enormous political engagement of Shell in the new Argentinian government.
Since Mauricio Macri ascended to Argentina’s Presidency last 10th December, Shell has a major influence on the energy policy of his government. Mr. José Luis Aranguren, until last July CEO of Shell Argentina, is the actual Energy Minister. He is said to have direct access to Queen Maxima, and he was during the last twelve years a strong opponent of the Kirchner-governments.
During Macri’s electoral campaign Aranguren stated that self-sufficiency isn’t a goal of his energy policy.
In turn, President Macri has a close relationship with the Dutch royals whom he meets usually by the end of each year at a country club in Villa la Angostura, in Patagonia. This has become public this new year because Macri was there and the Dutch royals did not come.
Argentina has the world’s second largest shale-oil reserves, which are partially exploited via a YPF-Chevron joint-venture.
As oil and gas prices go down, and the exploitation of non-conventional deposits becomes very expensive, local observers fear that the political influence of Shell can lead to a stoppage of shale-gas exploitation, and to the closing of fields.
Consequently, I am seeking information from knowledgeable visitors to your website on the question on Shell’s political interests regarding Argentinian oil and gas production. My email address is provided below so anyone with comment or information can contact me direct.
Dear John, I thank you very much, if you can publish this request. We keep in contact.
Best regards
Eduardo J. Vior – Dr. en Ciencias Sociales
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Eduardo J. Vior was not consulted and had no input into the choice of headline, which was devised by John Donovan alone.
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