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June 12th, 2017:

Court orders Shell to pay N122b damages for oil spill

The counsel to Shell, Mr. Olawale Akoni (SAN), argued that Shell was not given fair hearing. .PHOTO:

By Kelvin Ebiri (South-South Bureau Chief)   |   12 June 2017

The Court of Appeal in Port Harcourt has ordered Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) to pay N122 billon as damages to Ejama-Ebubu community in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State for crude oil spillage.

Justice Ali Abubakar Gumel dismissed Shell’s appeal for failure to file a competent brief of argument to support or proffer arguments in her suit. read more

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Support integrity fund against state capture, says Shell boss

Bonang Mohale. Picture: BUSINESS DAY

12 JUNE 2017 – 07:48 CLAUDI MAILOVICH 

Bonang Mohale, chairman of Shell SA and deputy chairman of Business Leadership SA, has called on business to invest in an integrity fund that would support activities to put the country on a different path.

Mohale made the call while presenting the chairman’s report at the Directors Event in Sandton on Friday. His appeal came amid mounting allegations about state capture involving President Jacob Zuma, his son Duduzane, the Gupta family and other prominent people. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.