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October 8th, 2016:

Crude realities for Bakken oil as Shell ditches W. Coast rail plan

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By Liz Hampton | HOUSTON

Oct 8 North Dakota oil producers were dealt another blow this week when Royal Dutch Shell said it would scrap plans to build an oil train terminal in Washington state that would have taken over 400,000 barrels per week of Bakken and other inland crudes.

Shell’s move on Thursday comes at a bad time for Bakken producers, who have endured a two-year price rout and need new routes to move their oil to coastal refineries.

Inland North American producers have seen four projects stymied since September, owing to both environmental opposition and an oversupplied global oil market that make it easier and cheaper to import cargoes than transport inland crude thousands of miles on railcars. read more

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FT Energy Source Weekly Briefing

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By Ed Crooks: October 7, 2016

Two international agreements have dominated the week’s energy news. Both have futures that are still shrouded in uncertainty, but are important landmarks if only because countries with widely diverging interests were able to come together and sign up to a shared course of action.

One was the Paris climate accord, which this week secured support from enough countries to come into force formally next month. The UN said 73 countries and the EU, accounting for more than 55 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, had ratified the agreement, crossing the thresholds set when the accord was adopted last December. More of the 195 countries that agreed the deal then are expected to join it formally in the coming weeks, months and years. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.