By Bill Campbell (Retired HSE Group Auditor, Shell International)
Comment on: Shell Australia’s giant Prelude floating LNG project likely to come on stream in 2017
(refer to 295-page Report by Economics and Industry Steering Committee issued 7 May 2015)
Much has been written on this website about FLNG, the Prelude specifically raising doubts about the validity of claims by Shell that FLNG risks are as safe as if not more so than conventional offshore installations. The Government report raised considerable concerns in relation to the safety of FLNG facilities. In particular, concerns were raised about the compact nature of the working environment offshore relative to the space afforded to an onshore LNG processing plant and that the facilities will remain manned during cyclonic storms.
The committee concerns come across clearly in the 84 findings with the 5 recommendations taken from the findings all related to Emergency Response -an indication perhaps of a lack of confidence by the committee in the bullish claims of the Industry.
Perhaps the most important words come in Finding 38, quote whether FLNG facilities are safer and less environmentally risky than other operations is yet to be proven unquote.
Bill Campbell
The links below are to a series of articles, many triggered by a well-placed whistleblower directly involved in the pioneering Royal Dutch Shell Prelude project. Includes articles by Mr. Bill Campbell and another retired Shell guru with a track record of spotting potential pitfalls in major Shell projects.
ARTICLE: Royal Dutch Shell Prelude to disaster?: 10 Jan 2014
ARTICLE: Shell Prelude FLNG: loss of containment of hydrocarbons almost inevitable: 21 Feb 2014
ARTICLE: What should frighten stiff Royal Dutch Shell shareholders: 15 March 2014
ARTICLE: Tales of the Unexpected and Royal Dutch Shell Prelude FLNG: 28 March 2014
ARTICLE: Prelude FLNG: A case of all your eggs in the one basket: 10 July 2014
ARTICLE: Royal Dutch Shell Prelude Project ‘A Step Too Far’: 25 Sept 2014
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