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John Donovan

John Donovan, Co-founder Royal Dutch Shell

John Donovan has a relationship with Shell stretching back decades. He was the co-founder of a sales promotion company, Don Marketing, that worked closely with Shell on an international basis.

A 30-minute video from the 1980’s featuring promotional games devised by Don Marketing for Shell can be seen on YouTube.

Shell Promotional Games: Introduced by John Donovan.”

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He has become widely known as an expert source on Royal Dutch Shell with unprecedented access to Shell insiders and for the last decade, has operated a unique non-profit website – – focussed on Shell’s activities.

The One World Trust, an NGO with Special Consultative Status to the UN and a close relationship with the UK Parliament, says that his website has played a watchdog function on the activities of Shell.

Extract from a One World Trust Newsletter:

John Donovan’s use of the website to blow the whistle on Shell’s environmental abuses in the Sakhalin project exhibits the power an individual website can have in holding a global organisation to account.

The website has been used by many prominent third parties for various worthwhile campaigning projects relating to Shell, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Friends of the Earth and The World Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility.

He has been mentioned in countless newspaper and magazine articles in relation to Shell and has given radio interviews on the subject. His website has been cited in almost forty books.

Parties seeking information about Shell – NGO’s, investigators, government departments (including from the USA), journalists and lawyers, all beat a path to his door. 

A TV documentary feature about John Donovan and his website has been broadcast in many countries, with a related article published in ten languages.

No one knows more about Shell’s dark past history and current controversial projects that the oil giant would prefer to remain out of the pubic gaze, bearing in mind that in January 2016, it was ranked in a survey of 7,500 NGO’s as being the most hated brand in the world.

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John Donovan, Shell’s nightmare

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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