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Saudi Arabia’s Giant & Secretive Oil Company, Saudi Aramco

By John Donovan

Interesting to read the news today that the repressive and barbaric Saudi regime is considering publicly listing the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco. 

The headline on one such article is: “Saudi Arabia’s Giant & Secretive Oil Company May Go For IPO

It is ironical under the circumstances that retired Royal Dutch Shell Chairman Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, the long-time claimed champion of transparency and ethics, is a member of the Saudi Aramco board

His late brother George Moody-Stuart was the highly respected Chairman of Transparency International. 

His wife Lady Judy Moody-Stuart is “a self-styled activist Quaker.”

Sir Mark has not resigned from Saudi Aramco despite the secrecy for which the company is renowned, or the mass beheadings and other savagery carried out in Saudi Arabia at the behest of ministers in the Saudi government.

Some Saudi ministers, members of the appalling regime, are his boardroom colleagues. 

I, therefore, remain genuinely puzzled by his continued presence on the Saudi Aramco board. 

What could be the motive?

Also noted that Andrew Gould, Chairman of BG Group plc is another of his colleagues on the Saudi Aramco board. He, too, has been busy axing staff. 

Were they involved in the initial discussions about a Shell/BG Group combination?

Shell is a partner with the Saudi regime in Motiva Enterprises. It has no compunctions about its business partners, whether Saudi Aramco or IG Farben in Nazi Germany.  


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