I remember the launch of another wonder fuel by Shell in 1986, “Formula Shell”, based on new technology and with a scientific image deliberately conjured up by Shell. There was only one small problem. The new wonder fuel ruined many car engines and it did so on an international basis.
By John Donovan
The Telegraph has published an article today under the headline: Can Shell’s new ‘Formula 1’ petrol ease anger at pumps?
It asks: Is Shell’s new petrol – Shell’s new V-Power Nitro Plus fuel – as good as the fuel used in Formula 1 cars?
David Moss, the chief executive of Shell UK who was in Battersea to launch the fuel with Ferrari, accepted that petrol prices are “not cheap” but he insisted his company is not to blame. “If you take out the duties and taxes that customers pay in the UK, the fuel prices are some of the most competitive in Europe,” he said. “It is a very, very competitive market place and Shell has to be competitively placed.” He denies charges that Shell and others are profiteering from a captured UK market.