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March 4th, 2018:

Brazil sugar mills start genetically-modified cane plantation

Among its main shareholders are BNDESPar, the investment arm of Brazil’s development bank, Copersucar, the world’s largest sugar merchant, and Raízen, a joint venture between Cosan SA Indústria e Comércio and Royal Dutch Shell Plc. 

José Roberto Gomes: 2 MARCH 2018 

PIRACICABA, Brazil, March 2 (Reuters) – Brazilian sugar mills looking to grow the world’s first variety of genetically modified (GM) sugarcane have planted an initial area of 400 hectares (988 acres), according to the research firm behind the project.

Developed by Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC) with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) genes that make it resistant to the cane borer, around 100 mills are working with the GM cane, company Chief Executive Gustavo Leite told Reuters. read more

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Russian LNG Gas Reportedly Heads to UK Amid Record Cold Snap

President Putin: Photo Credit:

When cold weather strikes, Europe seems to come to an understanding that Russian energy deliveries to the continent carry a purely economic significance, not a political one.

Deliveries of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Yamal in Siberia are set to arrive in the UK this week as the island nation struggles to dig out from Storm Emma, the Financial Times reported.

The LNG will be delivered to the UK by Royal Dutch Shell, two sources familiar with the shipment have said. The gas will be picked up this weekend, and delivered to an LNG terminal in Milford Haven, Wales, where it will be regasified and pumped into the UK network by March 6. read more

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