OPEC’s decision on Thursday not to cut production in order to prop up oil prices sent markets reeling. Oil company shares slumped, wiping billions off firms’ market value… As they come to terms with the new oil regime, companies will cut spending by up to 10 percent in 2015… and delay new project approvals.
LONDON, Nov 28 (Reuters) – With oil company revenues set to drop on the back of a rout in prices, boards will have to cut investments and increase borrowing to maintain their cherished dividend payouts.
OPEC’s decision on Thursday not to cut production in order to prop up oil prices sent markets reeling. Oil company shares slumped, wiping billions off firms’ market value and leaving dividend payouts as the only solace for shareholders.
The world’s top oil companies, or majors, including BP , Royal Dutch Shell, Total, ExxonMobil and Chevron are already in the midst of a painful belt-tightening process. read more
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