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October 9th, 2014:

Shell CEO dubious prediction on oil prices

Today we have another forecast from a Chief Executive of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, no doubt based on an assessment by the crystal ball gazers at Shell, the famed Scenarios team. Is it a case of wishful thinking on the part of Shell? Can we have faith in the prediction made by the current CEO?

By John Donovan

Today we have another forecast from a Chief Executive of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, no doubt based on an assessment by the crystal ball gazers at Shell, the famed Scenarios team. 

According to Catherine Boyle of CNBC, Ben van Beurden, Shell’s current CEO is confident that oil will return to “very robust” pricing in the long-term.

This is despite the fact that as a result of increased production by Saudi Arabia and the USA, Brent crude dropped to less than $93 a barrel last week, the lowest price for two years.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Lego surrender in Greenpeace anti-Shell Arctic drilling campaign 

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By John Donovan

The Greenpeace campaign demanding that Lego should end its 50 year partnership with Shell has resulted in a surrender by Lego.

According to a Guardian article published today, the toymaker will not renew the current multimillion pounds deal for Shell branded Lego to be sold at Shell petrol stations in 26 countries. 

Lego had previously resisted the relentless Greenpeace campaign protesting about Shell’s plans to drill in Arctic waters.

The campaign targeting the world’s biggest toy maker, included a popular YouTube video – “Everything is not awesome” – which has attracted nearly 6m views.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.