By John Donovan
Monday 18 Jan 2016
The Sunday Times reports that Royal Dutch Shell Chief Executive, Ben van Beurden is looking strained and admits to being nervous while watching events unfold.
The events no doubt being the continuing collapse in the price of oil and the related panicked reaction from some major shareholders.
The world is awash with low-cost oil and the end of Iranian sanctions will add to the glut and likely send prices even lower.
Naturally BvB tries to talk up the oil price despite all of the signs being that it is still on the way down and according to some independent experts, likely to remain depressed for a protracted period.
Van Beurden speaks in the article about the period in which he was the personal assistant of Shell Chairman Sir Philip Watts during the reserves scandal. He said his time with Sir Philip was a real eye opener. I’ll bet it was.
Now BvB gets the big bucks. £19.5m. (Around $30m)
Among the further items of trivia learned from the latest article is that his favourite movie is Dances with Wolves and favourite song the Rollings Stones classic: Satisfaction. Nothing startling.
However, no one can deny that BvB is bold and courageous in his job – more so than any other Shell leader for decades.
The Shell vote is on 27 Jan and the following day, BG Group.
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