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Act of Mass Defiance Against a Shell Legal Injunction today

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Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 23.33.36Emma Thompson joins Arctic drilling protest against Shell in London

Seven million people have joined the Arctic movement by signing up at More than 600,000 from the UK.

02 Sept 2015

Acclaimed British actress and screenwriter Emma Thompson has just announced she will be joining an act of mass defiance against a Shell legal injunction later today, in protest against the company’s Arctic oil drilling.

Speaking after performing a self-penned poem in front of the oil giant’s HQ, Ms Thompson told the press she is going to be the first of scores of people to break a legal injunction banning Greenpeace UK staff and activists from crossing a line drawn around the Shell building on the South Bank.

At around 2pm today, Ms Thompson will attempt to stick a giant paw print onto the building. It will carry thousands of names that make up some of the seven million people who have joined the Arctic movement by signing up at More than 600,000 of them are from the UK.

Ms Thompson said: “Shell has drawn a line around its headquarters and its lawyers say we’re banned from crossing it. Well, Shell crossed a line when it moved its rig into the Arctic, so I’m going to step over its line. And when I do, I’ll be carrying the names of thousands of people who stand for Arctic protection. We’re drawing our own line, a line in the ice, and we’re telling Shell to pull back its rig.”


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